Tier 1: Package D
Tier 1: Package D
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With Tier 1 products, we’ll work directly from your transcripts, and deliver a written script that you can follow to cut your project together. Depending on your preference, this script can be comprised of soundbites only or a mix of soundbites, voiceover and/or sound-ups. Please check that your project fits the criteria below before purchasing.
We Provide:
- A complete script for a video product no longer than 20 minutes in length.
- A questionnaire where you can tell us all we need to know about your project.
- Delivery of the first draft within 7 working days of receiving a completed questionnaire.
- 2x rounds of revision.
You Provide:
- A maximum of 12x interview transcripts with a combined maximum length of 150,000 words.
- A maximum of 20x clearly defined and transcribed sound-ups.
- A completed questionnaire from Snipscript.
Expert storytelling
An easier edit
- Since we’ll be reading text and not referring to an audio or video clip, we won’t be able to check for intonations, enunciations, or transcript accuracy.
- Similarly, the desired length of your video may be slightly off.
- If your transcript has been completely auto-generated (meaning not written or edited by a human), please purchase a higher tiered product. While we can make an educated guess when the transcript seems off, we will not be able to write a post-script from gibberish. AI has not fully mastered transcription just yet!
- No radio cut provided.
- If your video end product is longer than 20 minutes, you have more than 12 interviews, or your project criteria doesn't fit any of the packages available, please contact to discuss your project.