What is a paper-edit?

Simply put, a paper-edit is a script that is written in post-production after you've filmed all of your footage. It's a blueprint for your video, providing structure from the dialogue available, and can include notes on other elements such as b-roll or natural sound.

What is a radio cut?

A radio cut is an assembly of the audio in your paper-edit. Essentially, it's the first draft of your video, using just your interviews, sound-ups and other audio.

Why do I need a script for a video that's already been shot?

We write paper-edits for video with unscripted dialogue where you don't know what you've got to work with until it's in the can. Paper-edits are a key step in the filmmaking process where you can interweave soundbites, and map out your story before diving into the edit.

Isn't this the fun part of filmmaking, crafting a story from your footage? Why would I hire someone else to do this?

We agree with you there! We love this part of filmmaking. But even if you love it too, it’s always good to get some fresh eyes on the case.

I've already hired an editor to cut my video. Isn't this their job?

If you've hired an editor, the first output you'll most likely see is a complete first cut. But if you're not aligned, you'll have a lot of backtracking to do! Establishing a paper-edit before cutting your footage sets an editor up for success.

Ok, I'm sold. What do I need to provide?

Depending on the tier of product you've purchased, we'll either need transcripts of your interviews or your video/audio files. You can also provide us with sound-ups, footage logs or information on other relevant assets that you wish to be included.

What's a sound-up?

A sound-up is a candid moment of dialogue or natural sound, usually used to add flavour to a relevant interview soundbite or line of voiceover.

I've filmed interviews but I want to use both talking heads and voiceover for my video. Will you write voiceover too?

Definitely. We're skilled at employing both voiceover and dialogue.

I didn't shoot any interviews, but I have lots of verité scenes, conversational exchanges, or pieces to camera. Can I still place an order?

That's a little more complicated than our standard packages allow, but drop an email to jessica@snipscript.com, and we'll take it from there.

I've gone through the questionnaire, but I'm not sure my project fits neatly into any of the Snipscript packages. What should I do?

Send an email to jessica@snipscript.com, and we'll be happy to assist.

What exactly will I receive?

If you purchase a Tier 1 or Tier 2 product, you will receive a detailed paper-edit/written script that you can use as a blueprint when editing your video. If you purchase a Tier 3 product, you will also receive a radio cut.

I've purchased a package. What happens next?

You will be sent a questionnaire to fill out as well as a link to upload your files. Once that's complete, we'll get to work. Turnaround time depends on the package you've purchased.

Who are the script-writers?

Snipscript writers are experienced producers and editors who follow an established workflow to craft the best narrative possible from your footage.

I've received my paper-edit and/or radio cut but I need to make changes. Are revisions included?

A, B and C Packages all include one round of revision. D Packages include two rounds of revision.

What if I want to make changes to my edit after I've cut my video? Won't my final video be different than the paper-edit?

You will almost certainly make some changes as your project progresses. Our paper-edits are thoughtfully crafted, but think of them more as a launchpad for your edit than a complete written version of your final product.

Can you edit the video together too?

We are focused on paper-edits and radio cuts only.

I have social cuts or shorter iterations of my video to make. Can you also script and make radio cuts for those?

Absolutely. If this is something you would like to purchase, please contact jessica@snipscript.com.

Can't I just get AI to do this?

AI has its uses, but in our experience, getting a bot to draw up your paper-edit will be a colossal waste of time.

Will you refund me if I don't like the service?

Snipscript provides a high-quality, no-nonsense and streamlined service. There will be no refunds issued.